Baking has always been a part of Nancy Garvey’s life. As a young adult, she had an obsession and dedication to creating exceptional baking mixes. Never satisfied Nancy traveled to Scotland, where it is said scones originated, to perfect her scone mix. She also traveled to Ireland to learn the secrets of t...
Baking has always been a part of Nancy Garvey’s life. As a young adult, she had an obsession and dedication to creating exceptional baking mixes. Never satisfied Nancy traveled to Scotland, where it is said scones originated, to perfect her scone mix. She also traveled to Ireland to learn the secrets of the perfect Irish Soda Bread.
Garvey’s Enterprises began rather by accident. Nancy Garvey, founder, won an Irish Soda Bread baking contest in 1982, following extensive research in Ireland. The resulting newspaper coverage led to featured demonstrations and classes at Frederick and Nelson’s Arcade Cooking School in Seattle. The sell-out classes and suggestions from food professionals were the inspiration for providing baking mixes to the retail market; thus Garvey’s Enterprises began.
Since 1982 they have dedicated themselves to providing the highest quality, best tasting baking mixes available.
They choose to use organic ingredients because they support sustainable, organic methods of growing food. They believe organic ingredients are superior ingredients and ultimately make their baking mixes better.
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